vegetation management + line clearance Keeping Your Community Connected to the Power Grid.

PUC Vegetation Management Line Clearance

Maintaining the safety and dependability of the grid, is a responsibility we don’t take lightly. We love the challenge of storm restoration, and taking on transmission and distribution projects that push us to be even better, but we also appreciate the importance of the day-to-day maintenance of keeping the power lines that supply your community free from overgrowth and debris. Using the best tools and equipment the industry has to offer, our crews safely clear overgrown vegetation along power lines and maintain rights-of-way, effectively mitigating risks and avoiding potential power outages.

We have skilled ISA certified arborists who are committed to maintaining the distribution lines connecting your community to the grid through line clearance and vegetation management services. We work with utility companies large and small, ensuring there is no disruption to your power supply due to vegetation overgrowth.

Vegetation Clearance Power Lines Premium Utility Contractor

Our Services

When going up against Mother Nature, you need the best on your side. Premium Utility Contractor has highly skilled ISA arborists committed to keeping you connected to the power grid.

  • line (and debris) clearance
  • vegetation management
  • bucket trucks
  • chippers
  • grapple trucks
  • isa Arborists